By Matthew Etline|2023-12-28T20:14:46+00:00December 28, 2023|Comments Off on Renova Energy Solar Installation for Shottenkirk Desert Lexus _ Coachella Valley Solar Experts
Cut The Cord
0 00:00:00.200 --> 00:00:02.660 Hi folks, this is Vincent Batt. I am the, uh, 1 00:00:02.660 --> 00:00:05.260 founder owner of Renova Energy Corporation. 2 00:00:05.720 --> 00:00:10.620 And about four years ago I embarked on recording a history of 3 00:00:10.870 --> 00:00:15.020 solar, um, where solar came from, where it's going to. Uh, 4 00:00:15.020 --> 00:00:18.740 and I completed the book. It took me about, I, 5 00:00:18.820 --> 00:00:22.220 I had 10 years of notes and it took me about a year to compile all of that. 6 00:00:22.480 --> 00:00:25.140 And I created, um, a book called Cut the Cord. 7 00:00:25.640 --> 00:00:30.020 And we put it out in 2015 and I decided 8 00:00:30.630 --> 00:00:35.100 about a little over a year ago to update it. It was 140 pages at the time. 9 00:00:35.630 --> 00:00:38.980 Again, all on history, um, solar, uh, 10 00:00:39.040 --> 00:00:43.700 so solar photovoltaic batteries, where we're going, what cutting the cord means, 11 00:00:43.770 --> 00:00:46.740 what a microgrid is. I added three more chapters to it. 12 00:00:46.740 --> 00:00:51.180 So we have 13 chapters in total. Um, a lot on, uh, 13 00:00:51.280 --> 00:00:55.100 the current administration and how, uh, 14 00:00:55.240 --> 00:00:57.700 how solar's being affected, um, 15 00:00:57.720 --> 00:01:01.140 policy and policy for certain utilities. 16 00:01:01.640 --> 00:01:03.620 The I i d one of them, uh, 17 00:01:03.620 --> 00:01:07.940 has a full chapter and it's got a glossary in the back as well that that, uh, 18 00:01:07.940 --> 00:01:10.540 will help folks with all of the, the, the verbiage that, 19 00:01:10.540 --> 00:01:13.780 that you hear being slung out there as far as solar and batteries, 20 00:01:13.780 --> 00:01:16.860 microgrids and interconnections, et cetera. Uh, 21 00:01:16.860 --> 00:01:20.820 so there are three more chapters. It's our second edition. And, uh, 22 00:01:20.820 --> 00:01:24.820 you can go either to our Facebook page, which is cut the cord. 23 00:01:24.880 --> 00:01:27.740 You can find that on Facebook or our website, 24 00:01:27.740 --> 00:01:32.180 which is cut the cord And you can pick up the book there, 25 00:01:32.320 --> 00:01:36.300 or I'll give you a secret. If you email me or text me, 26 00:01:36.900 --> 00:01:40.820 I will send you the electronic version of Cut the cord. Uh, 27 00:01:40.850 --> 00:01:45.420 it's the way that, uh, our future is unfolding right here, right now. 28 00:01:45.510 --> 00:01:47.540 Thank you. And remember to cut the cord.
What Is Wallbox?
This video describes the Wallbox EV product. Designed with elegance and functionality in mind, the Wallbox is more than just a charger; it's a smart energy management solution that revolutionizes the way we power our electric vehicles.
Pegasus Solar Mount Vs. Conventional Flashing
This video shows the differences of Conventional Flashing versus Pegasus Solar Mount. Conventional flashings continually get flooded in the lag head and water seal when water runs over it while Pegasus solar mounts remain dry.
Desert Talk Radio Show
00:00:00.000 --> 00:00:03.300 Well, welcome Emily. So have you happy to 1 00:00:03.100 --> 00:00:06.900 have you here because I'm kind of a solar energy 2 00:00:06.200 --> 00:00:08.300 novice. 3 00:00:11.500 --> 00:00:15.000 Let's talk about the year. Number one Renova number one out here 4 00:00:14.900 --> 00:00:18.800 your alley are so proud of that but the financing 5 00:00:18.100 --> 00:00:21.300 and the money issue I think is something that people are 6 00:00:21.100 --> 00:00:24.400 very curious about so talk to me. If you want to get involved with 7 00:00:24.200 --> 00:00:27.600 solar. First of all, let's talk about what are what's gonna cost 8 00:00:27.500 --> 00:00:30.700 you lots of fair question. We actually have a 9 00:00:30.600 --> 00:00:33.800 couple different ways that people can invest in solar and a 10 00:00:33.600 --> 00:00:37.000 lot of people don't know that so of course, there's the traditional purchase option in 11 00:00:36.600 --> 00:00:39.900 which you pay up front the cost and you 12 00:00:39.700 --> 00:00:41.400 have access to the 30% 13 00:00:42.600 --> 00:00:46.000 federal income tax credit which affects your taxes the 14 00:00:45.700 --> 00:00:48.800 following year and it's at the federal level that is not at the state 15 00:00:48.700 --> 00:00:48.900 level. 16 00:00:49.900 --> 00:00:53.100 But you also have the option to lease your system and you 17 00:00:53.000 --> 00:00:56.800 can have fixed monthly payments for 25 years and 18 00:00:56.100 --> 00:00:59.500 there's also a loan option which works in the same ways 19 00:00:59.300 --> 00:01:02.500 as Muslims do what are the advantages where where am 20 00:01:02.400 --> 00:01:05.800 I going to save money and really are we looking towards the future is it's going 21 00:01:05.700 --> 00:01:06.500 to be inevitable. 22 00:01:07.200 --> 00:01:10.400 Well with the passing of the inflation reduction act 23 00:01:10.200 --> 00:01:13.500 that was a huge piece of legislation, but a significant portion is 24 00:01:13.200 --> 00:01:14.800 towards clean energy. 25 00:01:15.600 --> 00:01:19.100 So a lot of rebates are now going to be available for people to 26 00:01:18.700 --> 00:01:22.500 go electric. There's a huge incentive for 27 00:01:22.400 --> 00:01:25.600 electric vehicles. For example, that is going to affect solar because 28 00:01:25.500 --> 00:01:28.700 you need to charge your car at home. You now have your 29 00:01:28.500 --> 00:01:32.500 own gas station at home. Right? So you're going to need to produce more power. There's 30 00:01:31.500 --> 00:01:35.500 even rebates for things like induction cooktops 31 00:01:34.600 --> 00:01:38.300 changing out your HVAC going electric. 32 00:01:37.800 --> 00:01:41.300 So there's a lot of opportunity in 33 00:01:40.900 --> 00:01:44.500 that direction for clean energy and the federal government is really pushing the 34 00:01:44.300 --> 00:01:47.700 electrification of the grid. So for those 35 00:01:47.400 --> 00:01:51.000 who have not yet jumped into the water. What's your 36 00:01:50.700 --> 00:01:54.000 best pitch to say Go Solar take a look at your last round 37 00:01:53.700 --> 00:01:55.600 of SCE bills. I mean 38 00:01:56.900 --> 00:02:00.600 I don't know about you, but it's a uncomfortable to say 39 00:02:00.400 --> 00:02:03.700 the least and the savings happened. So quickly in the 40 00:02:03.400 --> 00:02:06.500 predictions are that because of the electrification of the 41 00:02:06.500 --> 00:02:09.600 grid, of course. This was a huge legislative shove. Not 42 00:02:09.500 --> 00:02:12.700 just a push to go electric. It's gonna 43 00:02:12.600 --> 00:02:15.800 increase demand and we're predicting that the electric rates are going to go up by 44 00:02:15.600 --> 00:02:18.700 two and a half times within 10 years. So solar might even 45 00:02:18.600 --> 00:02:22.000 pay for itself faster than the five to seven year payback period 46 00:02:21.800 --> 00:02:24.800 you guys really know what you're doing and we can 47 00:02:24.800 --> 00:02:28.300 feel comfortable knowing that we're not gonna get great service 48 00:02:27.900 --> 00:02:31.600 great solar but really be with the the number 49 00:02:31.200 --> 00:02:34.400 one team there. Are there a couple companies that 50 00:02:34.300 --> 00:02:38.200 will come in knock on doors and they you 51 00:02:37.500 --> 00:02:40.600 know, subcontract the installation and they're gone you never see 52 00:02:40.500 --> 00:02:44.300 them again, but we have a service division as well. So we're 53 00:02:43.800 --> 00:02:47.400 gonna take care of that system. We're gonna keep it clean. We're going to troubleshoot it 54 00:02:47.300 --> 00:02:51.100 if anything ever happens, it's called Renova plus. So that's really one 55 00:02:50.800 --> 00:02:54.200 of the big selling points with a local company as well is we're 56 00:02:53.900 --> 00:02:55.000 here. We're not gonna leave. 57 00:02:55.800 --> 00:02:59.300 Well, we'll see you in a few weeks because we're gonna talk about electric cars 58 00:02:58.800 --> 00:03:02.200 now because that's an important topic. Yes it is. Thanks 59 00:03:01.900 --> 00:03:03.400 so much for joining us. Thank you.
How Do You Know These Are Enough Panels to Offest My Electricity Needs
00:00:02.880 --> 00:00:07.840 Renova Energy starts by reviewing your usage history over the last 12 months to 1 00:00:07.840 --> 00:00:10.880 see how much power your home or business needs. 2 00:00:11.430 --> 00:00:15.720 Your Certified Energy consultant from Renova Energy while ask you questions that 3 00:00:15.720 --> 00:00:19.040 might affect your electrical usage. For example, 4 00:00:19.340 --> 00:00:23.720 are you planning on replacing or upgrading any major appliances? 5 00:00:24.260 --> 00:00:28.840 Are you planning to get an electric vehicle or maybe to install an electric 6 00:00:28.840 --> 00:00:33.640 vehicle charger? Are you going to lower your AC once you have solar? 7 00:00:33.930 --> 00:00:38.120 These are all important to consider when sizing your solar system. 8 00:00:38.720 --> 00:00:41.800 Renova Energy will also perform a site survey. 9 00:00:42.340 --> 00:00:45.760 That's where your roof orientation and shading will be reviewed. 10 00:00:46.270 --> 00:00:51.200 This helps us maximize your solar production and provide you with the best 11 00:00:51.560 --> 00:00:53.280 estimate for your power needs.
RenovaPLUS will take care of your solar
00:00:00.200 --> 00:00:04.000 A home solar system can last up to 40 years isn't it 1 00:00:03.100 --> 00:00:06.400 time for a company that knows what your 2 00:00:06.400 --> 00:00:09.600 system needs renovo plus is the maintenance service 3 00:00:09.600 --> 00:00:12.700 of Renova energy. If you need an inspection 4 00:00:12.700 --> 00:00:15.700 cleaning or panel replacement renovo 5 00:00:15.700 --> 00:00:18.700 plus is here to help even if the system wasn't installed 6 00:00:18.700 --> 00:00:22.000 by Renova energy learn more about servicing 7 00:00:21.100 --> 00:00:24.700 your home solar system from the experts at 8 00:00:24.700 --> 00:00:28.100 renewable plus Renova energy solar starts 9 00:00:28.100 --> 00:00:28.600 here.
Solar For All
0 00:00:00.320 --> 00:00:01.860 What's my favorite thing about solar, 1 00:00:02.010 --> 00:00:05.740 besides the fact that it can save you lots of money and helps the planet, 2 00:00:06.090 --> 00:00:10.500 it's that it's available to everyone. With Reva's Leasing option from SunPower, 3 00:00:10.790 --> 00:00:12.980 we'll put your solar on for free, 4 00:00:13.160 --> 00:00:16.820 and then you'll just make monthly payments that are a lot less than your 5 00:00:17.260 --> 00:00:21.340 previous average Electric bills free to get started and money that stays in your 6 00:00:21.340 --> 00:00:23.820 pocket every month. At Renova. 7 00:00:23.850 --> 00:00:28.460 It's so satisfying to help families where the savings each month really do make 8 00:00:28.500 --> 00:00:28.900 a difference.
The Long Haul
0 00:00:00.400 --> 00:00:01.570 When Renovo first started, 1 00:00:01.670 --> 00:00:05.570 it was tempting to knock on doors or to hire people to make phone calls, 2 00:00:06.030 --> 00:00:09.770 but it wasn't the way I wanted to build a long-term company. 3 00:00:10.690 --> 00:00:15.530 I wanted to educate people about solar and help them decide if it was a good 4 00:00:15.850 --> 00:00:19.570 decision for them. We built it from the ground up, 5 00:00:20.320 --> 00:00:25.010 growing a bit each year as more and more people discovered the benefits of going 6 00:00:25.060 --> 00:00:29.050 solar at Renova Energy, we are committed to the long haul.
How To Read Your New Electric Bill After Going Solar.
0 00:00:00.060 --> 00:00:04.040 Congratulations on going solar. Not only will you be saving money each month, 1 00:00:04.040 --> 00:00:08.600 you'll be helping the planet by generating your own clean renewable energy right 2 00:00:08.600 --> 00:00:12.280 at your home. And although you'll still use electricity just like before, 3 00:00:12.420 --> 00:00:15.680 you'll be billed differently and your electric bill will look a little different 4 00:00:15.680 --> 00:00:17.640 each month. On page one, 5 00:00:17.640 --> 00:00:20.400 you'll see the total amount you owe for the billing period. 6 00:00:20.610 --> 00:00:24.960 These are non-energy related charges and need to be paid each time you receive 7 00:00:24.960 --> 00:00:25.510 your bill. 8 00:00:25.510 --> 00:00:29.200 This amount supports the cost of maintenance and operation for providing 9 00:00:29.520 --> 00:00:30.100 electricity. 10 00:00:30.100 --> 00:00:33.640 Please note that this amount will fluctuate throughout the year and will be 11 00:00:33.640 --> 00:00:36.200 typically higher in the summer and lower in the winter. 12 00:00:36.500 --> 00:00:40.040 The portion of your bill that you don't pay monthly is for your energy charges. 13 00:00:40.590 --> 00:00:41.380 With solar, 14 00:00:41.380 --> 00:00:45.120 you're billed annually for your energy charges because they can be offset by 15 00:00:45.120 --> 00:00:48.000 energy credit over your 12 month billing period. 16 00:00:48.260 --> 00:00:50.240 To stay informed about your annual bill, 17 00:00:50.460 --> 00:00:53.720 you wanna look at your year to date charges section of that bill. 18 00:00:54.030 --> 00:00:57.920 This is where you monitor your annual charges and see what building month you're 19 00:00:57.920 --> 00:01:00.280 in your year-to-date. Charges will change each month, 20 00:01:00.280 --> 00:01:03.560 depending on whether your solar system made more power than you used, 21 00:01:03.700 --> 00:01:05.880 or if you used more power than it made. 22 00:01:06.110 --> 00:01:09.880 It's designed to go up and down with the seasons, and at the end of 12 months, 23 00:01:09.900 --> 00:01:14.400 you'll have a final figure or what's called a true up that will show if you need 24 00:01:14.400 --> 00:01:18.440 to pay something to the electric company or if they owe you money. 25 00:01:18.780 --> 00:01:22.080 If your system was designed to offset a hundred percent of your energy usage 26 00:01:22.410 --> 00:01:26.200 based on your previous 12 months of bills and your habits stayed the same, 27 00:01:26.390 --> 00:01:29.000 then your balance should be close to zero. Of course, 28 00:01:29.140 --> 00:01:32.840 if you use more electricity after you've got solar like setting the air 29 00:01:32.840 --> 00:01:35.160 conditioner lower or getting an electric car, 30 00:01:35.350 --> 00:01:39.160 then you may end up owing the electric company a bit for the power that was 31 00:01:39.400 --> 00:01:42.400 consumed above and beyond what the system was designed for. 32 00:01:42.700 --> 00:01:46.400 The important thing is to take a look at your year-to-date charges each month, 33 00:01:46.620 --> 00:01:51.360 and know what month you're in of your 12 month cycle so you can follow along and 34 00:01:51.380 --> 00:01:53.200 see how you're doing. Typically, 35 00:01:53.640 --> 00:01:57.160 customers build up credits with the utility in the winter and spring when the 36 00:01:57.160 --> 00:01:59.760 solar is producing more power than the home is using, 37 00:02:00.020 --> 00:02:04.160 and use up those credits in the summer and fall when electricity usage is more 38 00:02:04.160 --> 00:02:05.840 than solar production. Of course, 39 00:02:05.840 --> 00:02:09.640 these are only general guidelines and your particular circumstances may be 40 00:02:09.640 --> 00:02:10.180 different. 41 00:02:10.180 --> 00:02:14.480 Please know that you can contact Renova at any time with questions about how 42 00:02:14.480 --> 00:02:18.120 much electricity you're using, how much energy your system is producing, 43 00:02:18.260 --> 00:02:20.920 or if you have questions about your year-to-date charges. 44 00:02:21.180 --> 00:02:25.320 Thanks again for choosing Renova Energy to help you on your way to energy 45 00:02:25.320 --> 00:02:26.000 independence.