Our Coachella Valley, solar installation team, is proud to share the origin and history of Renova Energy! Read more to learn how Renova Energy came about!
The Inspiration
In 1992, Vincent Battaglia decided to move to Russia. Why? He believed he could introduce sustainable building practices to a country in desperate need—he was right. After teaching himself the language, Battaglia became a TV and event producer. For the seven years in which Battaglia resided in Russia, the waste around him became more and more evident. However, what stood out to him the most was the centralized delivery of utilities.
Battaglia recollected, “There were these huge pipes crossing streets and going in every direction. I asked what they were and was told these pipes deliver hot water to homes. ‘That’s crazy,’ I remember thinking, ‘How is the water even still warm by the time it gets into a home?’”
The Birth of an Idea
Undoubtedly, the image stuck with Battaglia, and when he returned from Russia, he decided to get his MBA and pursue an idea that had been percolating in his mind for quite some time. He determined that he could contribute by starting a solar energy company so people could create their own electricity—similar to the way in which each home produces its own hot water rather than having it delivered from a central location.
Battaglia mentioned, “Making your own electricity is so much more efficient—not to mention the money-saving and environmental benefits it brings.”
Renova Energy Now
He envisioned Renova Energy as his Master’s Thesis, and upon graduation in 2006, Battaglia started the company in typical entrepreneurial fashion – with $500 in his garage. Fast forward nearly 15 years later, Renova Energy is an award-winning company that has been named, amongst other honors:
- SunPower’s National Residential Dealer of the Year
- SunPower’s National Residential Top Producer of the Year
- Winner of the National Commercial Intelegant Award by SunPower
Renova Energy was also the first company to be accredited by NABCEP in 2012 and is one of only 10 in the United States.
Battaglia’s Accomplishments
Battaglia has been personally recognized, including being named Businessman of the Year by multiple Chambers of Commerce and a finalist for Ernst and Young Entrepreneur of the Year.
Battaglia is also the author of a book, now in its second edition, entitled, “Cut the Cord: How to Achieve Energy Independence by Joining the Solar-Powered Microgrid Revolution,” which is available from Amazon. Originally published in 2015, it offered a brief summary of solar history and current data, as well as a look forward, which has all come to pass as predicted.
“With the term ‘microgrid’ now becoming common terminology, this is an opportunity to capitalize on bigger opportunities for solar-powered microgrids,” Battaglia explained.

Renova Energy is Here Through All Circumstances
Our Coachella Valley solar energy team at Renova Energy is weathering the current situation well and expects to be back to full capacity by June, with sales dropping only slightly and all consultants and many others working remotely as needed.