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Renova Energy Helps Customers Keep Communities Safe

Southern California is known for beautiful coastal views, Disneyland, and, unfortunately, wildfires. Many of our wildfires are caused by faulty powerlines and unmaintained equipment. Solar power systems can help reduce wildfires in several ways, and as their popularity grows, their ability to prevent wildfires increases.

Our Coachella Valley solar energy experts at Renova Energy can help you integrate solar energy into your home and do your part in keeping your community safe. Let our team teach you about how solar helps to prevent wildfires and why it is the right choice for our Coachella Valley neighbors.

Contact the solar power professionals at Renova Energy to request a quote today!

Solar Energy Reduces the Strain on Power Lines

One of the greatest impacts of solar energy systems on a city and community level is that they reduce the power load on surrounding power lines. Increased dependence on a household level and as a collective community allows line workers, grid operators, engineers, and first responders more time to handle maintenance, services, repairs, outages, and wildfires.

Solar energy usage in fire-prone communities also reduces the chance of electrically originated fires. Power lines heat up as their power load increases, causing them to sag. Once sagging, they can slap together, creating high-energy arching and sending hot metal particles to the ground below. If the surrounding landscape is filled with dry shrubs or dead trees, then the chance of fire increases.

Community Energy: Sharing Solar with the Grid

Not only do solar power systems help reduce the strain on power lines by reducing the number of homes using power individually, but they also help with a combined community solution. Solar energy power systems that are linked to the grid share their excess energy with the community. The community shared solar energy, which has one of the greatest impacts by maintaining power flowing through the power lines.

Shared solar energy reduces wildfires through:

  • Preventing power outages
  • Giving line workers time to make repairs and perform maintenance
  • Reducing power line temps by reducing power load on the lines

Solar energy, shared with the grid and on an individual level, also reduces the need for fossil fuels. This creates a snowball effect in a positive way, where solar energy impacts future energy and the present.

Energy Sources in Remote Communities

Solar power systems provide energy options for remote communities and homes in fire-prone areas. Utilizing this safer source of reliable energy during fire seasons can eliminate the number of electric sparks and power line slaps that result in fires. Solar panels and battery storage systems are a sustainable energy option when the threat of fire causes power outages and lines are down.

Make the Solar Switch with Renova Energy

For a sustainable energy option that helps reduce the chance of wildfire in your Coachella Valley community, call on the solar energy experts at Renova Energy. Our solar panel installers can equip your home with reliable energy year-round, even when your neighbors are experiencing power outages. Whether you choose to become energy-independent and utilize battery storage for optimum sustainability or tie into the grid to share your excess energy with the community, we have the solar systems to fit your needs.

Reduce the strain on power lines, share your energy with the grid, and help prevent wildfires with solar energy. As a renewable source of power, solar is a safe and reliable energy choice, and Renova Energy can create the perfect solar power system for your home. As Coachella Valley residents and long-time business owners, we understand the need for energy alternatives that keep our communities safe.

Contact the Coachella Valley solar professionals at Renova Energy to request a quote and discuss your energy needs. We’re here for you.